UX Design process

Process Timeline

Design phases

(details about the research process can be found on the UX Research page)

  1. Requirements Gathering

    knowing what is important, metrics to test for and measure, and environment app will be used in.

  2. Design Workshops

    Working with developers and project owners to make sure it can be created within scope and programming constraints.

  • Define persona groups

    Define goals for each group and how the goals will be measured.

  • Define limitations

    Separate information from assumptions – Research and validate them

  • Design multiple solutions

    Start with most obvious paths first to find areas not thought of
    Try removing assumptions to see if different solutions are created
    Look for patterns
    Match the experience to the brand

  1. UX Pattern Validation

    checking that design ideas are the optimal pattern for the solution. A/B testing, click tests, label explanations would all be done here.

  2. Wireframing & Prototyping

    Creating layout and interaction details to the level needed for  minimum viable product. If paper works, paper is used. If coding is needed to test transitions then it is programmed.

  3. User Testing

    Using the wireframes and prototypes to test with users. At this point it is gathering qualitative data such as mood and opinions. Lab testing can be done but testing users in-situ is preferred to measure distraction level. (especially for mobile)

  4. Visual Design

    design comps are created for dev

  5. Dev Implementation

    working with developers to make tweaks to get it to fit within libraries being used.

  6. UX and Visual Audits

    Make sure what was designed is what is created. Using analytics to compare metrics from old and new product to verify project is a success.

  7. Start all over again with the next sprint. 

Case Studies

To see how the individual deliverables fit together into the larger development story please view the portfolio.

UX Research

If you are interested in viewing more, you can view my UX Research.